The humanitarian response programme is fourfold:  Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); shelter & nonfood items (S/NFI); protection and gender based violence and climate & environmental conservation sectors.  This program is supporting the Government of South Sudan by targeting the sector goals under the Ministry of humanitarian affairs and disaster management through delivery of appropriate emergency relief services and materials to the diverse vulnerable communities in the ten states of South Sudan in a timely and efficient manner. Over 1million people reached with humanitarian assistance since 2013 to date.

Right2Grow consortium partners are meeting in a two day workshop to discuss achievements, challenges and recommendations to improve on the program success. Consortium partners interact with governments officials to influence decision-making using data and lessons learned from R2G partners. The workshop is discussing underfunding in South Sudan and encouraging policymakers to increase funding for basic WASH and nutrition services. The Right2Grow Consortium partners commit to support the South Sudan government in developing nutrition programming.
  1. WASH Experience:
  • Construction and rehabilitation of water points (boreholes, mini water yards , water treatment plants, shallow wells protection, springs protection , installation of rain water harvest systems)
  • Water quality testing and surveillance
  • In-service training for water user committees and hand pump technicians
  • Construction and rehabilitation of both institutional and community latrines
  • Solid waste management and hygiene promotion
  • Community led Total Sanitation (CLTS).
  • Provision of WASH NFIs to Communities affected by disasters
  • Hygiene promotion messaging
  1. Shelter and Non Food Items experience
  • Need analysis to enable the project respond appropriately
  • Distribution of emergence shelter materials and standard lifesaving NFI to disaster affected communities
  • Cash and voucher assistance intervention for shelter and NFIs
  • Market assessment for cash and voucher assistance.

3. Climate and Environmental Conservation experience

  • Supporting interventions that contribute toward use of alternative energy resources.
  • Strengthening education programme by ensuring that environmental issues are included in all curriculum.
  • Offer training on environmental related issues
  • Provision of high yielding, climate and pest resistant crops

From 2013 to date, SPEDP received over USD 5million funding support from South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF), USAID/OFDA through Food for the Hungry (FH), UNICEF, RRF/ IOM, Irish Aid through Christian Aid, DEC through Christian Aid, NCA,  and Core Group etc for the Humanitarian response Programme.