Equipped for Success: SPEDP Distributes Protective Gear to Vocational Trainees in Koboko, Uganda

In a significant step towards empowering the next generation, SPEDP has successfully distributed protective gear to 63 youth currently enrolled in vocational skills training programs in Koboko District, Uganda. This initiative, made possible with the generous support of the European Union Trust Fund (EUTF), is ensuring that these young trainees are not only gaining valuable skills but are also protected and safe as they learn.

The distribution of protective gear, which includes items such as gloves, helmets, and safety clothing, is crucial for the hands-on training these youth are undergoing. Whether they are learning carpentry, welding, or tailoring, these protective measures are essential in creating a safe learning environment.

This effort is more than just about safety—it’s about providing these young individuals with the confidence and security they need to fully engage in their training and excel in their chosen vocations. By equipping them with the right tools and protection, SPEDP and EUTF are helping to build a skilled, resilient, and empowered workforce ready to contribute to the local economy and drive positive change in their communities.