Resilience Building Programme Unit

Resilience Building is one of the units within SPEDP programme. It comprises of three Sub-Units;

1). Education

2). Food Security and Livelihoods Programme and

3). Human Rights, Peace building and Governance

In SPEDP, Resilience building relies mainly on integrated programming—a cross-sectoral approach with a long-term commitment to improving three critical capacities: absorptive capacity, adaptive capacity, and transformative capacity at household and communities affected by shocks and stresses. The integrated approaches ensures that all sectors work together to address key leverage points and adopt complementary, synergistic strategies to promote resilience.


Education is a human right under the universal human rights declaration of 1948. SPEDP provide safe, inclusive and quality education to the children of South Sudan. SPEDP aspire that all children educated in a safe and nurturing environment in order to lead productive and fulfilling lives. We work to reach the most vulnerable children through education such as those in extreme poverty, with disabilities, out-of-school children and affected by crises. Our approach fits and adapts continuously to diverse and rapidly changing contexts across the development, humanitarian and peace nexus. We work with local stakeholders to drive the social behaviour change required to address obstacles to children’s developmental and learning journey. In collaboration with others we strengthen education systems at household, community, national levels.

Food Security and Livelihood Programme

Through the food security and livelihood programme, SPEDP addresses the root causes of food insecurity through a multi-sectoral approach. We improve availability and access to nutritious food, promote diet diversification and work with communities to strengthen community-based systems. This holistic approach seeks to empower rural households to achieve sustainable food and nutrition through training in climate smart agriculture, natural resource management, alternative income and nutrition. We support smallholder farmers in cultivating higher-yield, more nutritious crops and vegetables to fight hunger and poverty while saving natural resources. Our interventions are also crafted to sustainably enhance resilience to climate change effects by sharing knowledge on climate-adaptable cultivation with climate-resistance crops. SPEDP’s interventions also support agricultural value chain development, employment opportunities and market-based approaches enabling communities have access to goods, services and employment opportunities through private sector partnerships.

Human Rights, Peace building & Governance

SPEDP aim to build social cohesion, tolerance, trust and resilience and promote reconciliation through all our undertakings across all the locations where we operate in South Sudan. We do this by integrating peacebuilding into other intervention. We equally believe in a thriving society, and value all beneficiaries, especially the most vulnerable, and uphold their human rights progressively.