Background of Agriculture (Food Security/Livelihood) Department

The Agric/food security department is the widest department in SPEDP; it’s formed majorly with the purpose of empowering the communities of South Sudan in situation related to poverty, hunger which majorly focuses on improving food availability and standard of living with in South Sudan.

  • SPEDP team in company of SDC Head of Mission, World Vision and SAADO represenative returning from visinting SPEDP group farm in Mugali, Magwi County,Eastern Equatoria State.
  • The SWISS /SDC Head of Mission and the National Programme Officer Mr. Vuciri Isaac near their car after touring SPEDP garden in Mugali- Magwi county, Eastern Equatoria State
  • Mr. Ownio of SPEDP and Awino of SAADO in the field in Mugali- Magwi county, Eastern Equatoria State

Currently the food security department is funded by this donors;  Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)/ consortium with Food for Hunger, BRACE II DFID- Consortium with World Vision, SSHF, Christian Aid, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UNFAO, NEPAD, DCA, CESVI, IOM. The Agric department is implementing projects currently in the three states of Central Equatoria, Northern Barh-el-gazal NBG and Eastern Equtoria States with a hope of extending to the other states as per funding.

  • Beneficiaries during post-harvest activities (Sorting, grading and packing) of Tomatoes in Hai zira “2” vegetable group Aweil Center County
  • Participants during practical’s on sowing of seeds at Hai zira “2” vegetable group
  • Danida Church Aid (DCA) Project, Cash distribution in Magwi County
Working for transformational development and peace
Transformed communities Living in Peace
Transforming Community Lives in peace

The Agric / Livelihood department has been and is implementing activities of emergency response project which includes distribution of seeds/ fishing kits by FAO, Distribution of unconditional cash transfer under UNDP funded by CHF (the Common Humanitarian Fund) in Central Equatoria State (CE) and Christine Aid funded by the IRIS Government in Northern Bahr-el-gazal State (NBG) and also in co- operated with developmental projects like vegetable production, fruit production tree production ,field crop production and CMMF( Community Managed Microfinance/ VSLA( Village Savings and Loans Association) under ICCO,DCA,NEPAD, Christine Aid, CHF and French Embassy in all the three States of South Sudan.

  • During beehive training in Magwi County funded by DCA
  • Sorghum and Groundnuts planted in Majak bol and Mayom Kuol Demo plots in Aweil North County respectively
  • Beneficiaries verification in Magwi County
Farmer displays watermelon
During livelihood distribution kits
Animal traction in Terekeka County