SPEDP Protection Programmes crosscuts in all SPEDP thematic areas of Education, Health and Nutrition, WASH and FSL &NFI.

Protection Programme focuses mainly on mainstreaming the aspect of protection in all of SPEDP programing with emphasis on Gender based violence, child protection and component of peace building and conflict resolution. Integrating Protection risk mitigation measures, is not only a core responsibility of SPEDP Programing, it also improves the effectiveness of SPEDP response across all sectors.

SPEDP took the aspect of addressing Protection concern as priority in their programing as more people benefits when Programmes are safe and accessible.

In 2020 SPEDP mainstreamed Protection in the following sectors, Education sector under SIDA and Education can’t wait (ECW) projects in Magwi County covering Magwi and Nimule, Food security and livelihood sector under UN-women, HPP, and DCA projects  in Magwi county and Aweil west county (Nimule and Nyamlel) , WASH sector under SSHF project in. Robkhona Bentiu.

Under SIDA - Building Resilience through Gender and conflict sensitive approaches to Education, skills development and sustainable livelihoods, SPEDP strengthening extension services to ensure usage and adoption of suitable agronomic practice of spaced and line planting for the distributed crop seeds for Wodini farmers groups in Luri. Central Equatoria State.


Under the HPP mandate of piloting GBV programming in 2020 project, SPEDP protection department wrote a concept note on development of women and girls safe space together with Covid-19 guidelines in implementing this specific program. It was approved by Christian Aid (CA). SPEDP established three WGSS(s) in Aweil county two informal and one formal in the areas of Gumjuer center, Abyei in Pamat Payam, Langic Boma in Ayat East.  SPEDP has painted the formal WGSS in Gumjuer center. WGSS saves as a space for case management and psychosocial support, About 300 women and girls are accessing the safe spaces in all the three locations.


Women leadership training and assets maintenance training progressing well in WBeGS, Raja County of Uyujuku Payam.

SPEDP Celebrating the international women's Day under the theme" Promote Gender Equality through Innovative Technology towards a better South sudan" in Kajokeji County, Central Equatoria State.
Before rolling out the programme activities, IOM's Protection and Gender Equality and Inclusion team together with partners have completed a five-day training digging deeper to understand the root causes of Gender Based Violence.


80 learners (11 males and 69 females) successfully enrolled in the vocational skill training center, 26 in designing class, 26 in garment cutting class and 18 in computer class.

102 learners enrolled in FAL classes (2 male and 100 females in 5 FAL centers of green valley, Haikanisa, Malakia west, corner stone PS and Jerusalem PS, FAL beneficiaries are from VSLAs groups, farmers and vocational skill training center. The centers were all support with learning materials.


Trained 57 participants from 28 VSLAs groups’ leaders and secretaries (12 males and 45 females) on group dynamics, the aim of the training was to equip them with knowledge on conflict resolution group formation and management.

Supported 20 best performing beneficiaries (2 males and 18 females) from different areas of tailoring, VSLAs groups and Agricultural groups, each with sum of 20,000SSP, with an aim to expand their business.

Formed 7 new VSLA groups, comprise of 187 groups members, 5 males and 182 females, bringing the total number of VSLAs groups under UN-Women project to 35 groups with 1,112 members (188 males and 924 females. The cumulative savings of the new groups is 456,060-SSP and 6,306,911-SSP.

Twenty Seven (27) participants (21 Male, 7 Female) from the Multi-Year Resilience Program (MYRP) – Education Cannot Wait; grantees, sub grantees and implementing partners concluded a 5-day training in Juba over the weekend to understand clear concepts behind gender in Education in Emergency (EiE). The MYRP partners gained awareness and practical understanding of existing gender responsiveness in EiE. The training will enable partners to identify and strengthen the capacity of women/girls’ led organizations in South Sudan The MYRP collaboration and network will continue to strengthen the capacity of the implementing partners.

The project focused on empowerment of the locals mostly IDPs to access livelihood opportunities through;

  1. Skills   training   (tailoring and computer),
  2. Gender and peace building awareness programs for reconciliation process,
  3. VSLA transformation programs and
  4. Reviving and enhancing operations of the Women Center, Grinding mill services, green houses for improved income generation opportunities.

Gender and Peace building Awareness

  • Contextualizing  the 2018 South Sudan National Peace Agreement
  • Communal  Gender Based Violence Girls child education and educational opportunities in the county
  • Conflict causes,  natural  resources management and resolution mechanism
  • Leadership (Women leader- ship and representation at communal and national structures).
  • Vocational skills  training  opportunities for Target Group 120 participants  both  male  and female   from   various   categories (Women leaders, VSLA group leaders, Government officials, youth leaders, business leaders, Boda Boda associations, Church leaders, security department representatives, and County  NGO  representatives). In Which (F=54, M= 47).

Income Generating Activities Training 62 trainees successfully completed a 6- month training under the Cost Sharing Basis from July 2018 to December 2018. They will be awarded certificate of completion/ recognition during their graduation as has been the tradition of SPEDP and UN Women. Through these trainings,    learners    have been empowered to acquire the different skills that will enable them improve their livelihood standards.

They are as follows Tailoring 20 (M=0,F=20), Bed sheet design 10 (M=0,F=10), Basic Computer 32 (M=30,F=2).

Based on the collaborative efforts from both the SPEDP and the local communities, positive progress has been realized in the management and production activities at the different green houses.

At a glance, Melijo green house beneficiaries are about to harvest vegetable crops ready for market as well as utilizing the river banks of Achwa.

Farming  Group  Along  the  River Nile of Achwa

As a result of the continuous monitoring and training of the farmers group in Melijo as well as beneficiaries of the green house project, farming along the river bank has also be- come one of the priorities with positive results. With the use of available water through traditional water sprinkling, beneficiaries  are  farming  along  the river bank and harvesting  vegetables for personal and market sale hence income generation.

Monitoring Green House

For work to go on 110 grams of cu- cumber/capsicum vegetables were procured and provided to beneficiaries in Melijo of which they planned and monitoring was done from the time of land preparation till the current stage were by the vegetables are in flowering and fruiting stage.

Income Generating Activities in Nimule

Trainees in the tailoring and designing classes that have completed their classes awaiting graduation are currently involved in income generating activities within and out of the skills training center. The center has provided the learners with the   opportunity   to   purchase their materials, design and sew them through the guidance of their instructors at the center for sale at the local market.